Delegation is key to growing, scaling, and making an executive’s life easier. Often, we are weighed down by tasks that don’t fall under any particular job title. These tasks often float up to the team lead, manager, or executive to be done. Additionally, as your business grows, you need to focus on big picture tasks – but are still doing things or running areas that you could hand over to others.
Most business owners want to delegate at least one task. The challenges they face are:
- Deciding who gets the task.
- Determining how to assign the job, so it gets done.
- Providing training necessary to ensure the job is done right.
This article discusses the one tool you can use to resolve the three challenges listed above.
Use this tool to make delegation easy
At Business Success Consulting Group, we use business systems to provide companies with the foundation they need to grow. Documenting processes and procedures also makes delegation easy and addresses the challenges above.
Here’s how to delegate your tasks:
1. Write down the tasks that need to be delegated.
2. Determine what job they fall under. It could be that you, the business owner, are closing all of the sales. If this is the case, the position of closer needs to be delegated to someone in your sales department.
2a. Hire someone to do the tasks you wish to delegate if you do not have someone in your organization with the skills, knowledge, or time to do the work.
3. Consider what do you bring to the task that you aren’t sure another person will bring to the job?
4. Write down precisely what you do and how you do it. Record audio or video demonstrating your technique and discussing why the actions you are doing work.
5. Document the checklists, articles, books, and other materials you have used to help you understand and accomplish the task.
6. Compile all of the above information into step-by-step instructions. For example, to transform your primary salesperson into a closer, they may need to read the books you’ve read about closing a sale and follow your process for doing so. Provide this necessary information in a digestible form so they can follow your instructions and accomplish the end goal.
7. Ensure the information is accessible.
8. Run through the documentation and information with the person to whom you are assigning the work. Answer any questions, and record the Q&A that you have with them. This question and answer information will be helpful as you and they revise the documentation.
9. Revise the documentation to ensure it can be followed.
10. Allow the person to whom you’ve delegated the task to get on with the work.
That last step is vitally important. It can be challenging to let go of a process you have been doing – and doing well. However, for delegation to work, you need to let the person to whom you’ve assigned the work do the job without interference. If they need further assistance, ensure your door is open. But otherwise, let them do their job.
Do you want to expand your business through thorough systematization? Are you ready to grow and delegate tasks to new and existing employees?
Get in touch with the systematization experts at Business Success Consulting Group!