Creating Systems and Infrastructure to Build a Sellable Business With Chris Guinn III

Chris Guinn III

Chris Guinn III is the Principal Broker and Co-owner of Dwell Realty, a real estate brokerage firm. He started his entrepreneurial journey 35 years ago in residential sales before starting Dwell Realty in 2009 with his friend Tracey Hicks. Not long afterward, Chris decided to get into property management which led to the founding of Dwell Property Management, where he manages residential and commercial properties in the Portland Metro area.

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Here’s a glimpse of what you’ll learn: 

  • How Chris Guinn III got started in entrepreneurship and his transition to real estate 
  • What made it difficult for Chris to sell his salon business?
  • Chris talks about starting his real estate firm and a property management company
  • The benefits of delegating
  • Chris explains why he went into commercial real estate and shares his future plans 
  • The processes Chris created for Dwell Property Management
  • Chris' advice on the importance of documenting processes and procedures

In this episode:

How can you build a sellable business? What infrastructure do you need to create a transferable company?

Although Chris Guinn III built a successful salon business, he found it challenging to sell it to transition to a new industry. He realized he did not have the proper infrastructure in place to transfer it to a new owner. He learned the importance of having well-documented processes and procedures to make it attractive to buyers. 

In this episode of the Systems Simplified podcast, Adi Klevit joins Chris Guinn III, the Principal Broker and Co-owner of Dwell Realty, to discuss the lessons he learned about building a sellable business. Chris talks about starting a real estate firm, how he has benefited from property management, and the systems he created for his company.

Resources mentioned in this episode:

This episode is brought to you by Business Success Consulting Group

At Business Success Consulting Group, we create custom processes and tailor-made management systems so businesses can thrive. 

Businesses simply can’t survive without workable systems and well-documented processes. That’s why our team of experienced professionals takes care of it for you.

We provide business owners, entrepreneurs, and key executives with strategic implementation, process improvement and documentation, and long-lasting systems necessary to support business expansion. 

So, what are you waiting for? Do yourself a favor, and cut the chaos out of your business

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Creating Systems and Infrastructure to Build a Sellable Business With Chris Guinn III

Host: Adi Klevit

Founder: Business Success Consulting Group

Adi is passionate about helping businesses bring order to their operations. With over 30 years of experience as a process consultant, executive and entrepreneur, she’s an expert at making the complex simple. Adi has been featured on numerous podcasts and delivered many webinars, and live workshops, sharing her insights on systematizing a business. She also hosts The Systems Simplified Podcast, publishes a weekly blog, and has written numerous original articles published on

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