Step-by-Step Exit Strategies for Business Owners with Ashley Micciche

Ashley Micciche is the CEO of True North Retirement Advisors, an independent financial advisory firm managing over $300 million in client assets. She specializes in designing, building, and implementing custom exit plans to help business owners effectively exit their businesses and retire with financial security. Ashley is on a mission to successfully transition 300 small business owners into retirement in the next 10 years. She also hosts the One Minute Retirement Tip podcast and runs True North Retirement Advisors' YouTube channel.

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Here’s a glimpse of what you’ll learn: 

  • Ashley Micciche discusses her podcast and YouTube channel
  • Ashley's step-by-step process for preparing a business for an exit
  • How to choose a business successor and evaluate your financial needs before making an exit
  • Ashley's advice on establishing an exit date
  • The importance of preparing for a meaningful life after an exit
  • How to get in touch with Ashley Micciche

In this episode:

Are you a business owner looking to exit your business and successfully retire in the near future? If so, do you know the right ways to prepare your business for a smooth and successful exit? 

Ashley Micciche, the CEO of True North Retirement Advisors, helps business owners effectively prepare to exit their businesses and retire with financial security. As she says, it’s important for business owners to prepare early. This way, they can identify how much their businesses are worth before making an exit and establish an exit date that works for them. Today, Ashley is here to share her exit strategies and tips for successfully preparing for a meaningful retirement.

On this episode of the Systems Simplified podcast, Adi Klevit is joined by Ashley Micciche, the CEO of True North Retirement Advisors, to discuss Ashley's step-by-step exit strategy for business owners who are looking to retire with financial security. Together, they talk about how to find a business successor, Ashley’s tips for establishing an exit date, and the benefits of financial planning before making an exit. Stay tuned.

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Step-by-Step Exit Strategies for Business Owners with Ashley Micciche

Host: Adi Klevit

Founder: Business Success Consulting Group

Adi is passionate about helping businesses bring order to their operations. With over 30 years of experience as a process consultant, executive and entrepreneur, she’s an expert at making the complex simple. Adi has been featured on numerous podcasts and delivered many webinars, and live workshops, sharing her insights on systematizing a business. She also hosts The Systems Simplified Podcast, publishes a weekly blog, and has written numerous original articles published on

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