The Five Laws of Stratospheric Success with Bob Burg

Bob Burg

Bob Burg is the Founder of The Go-Giver Community Network, an organization that connects private, global businesses. In the past 30 years, he’s helped companies and leaders evolve their communication habits in order to increase their sales and grow their businesses. He is also the Co-author of The Go-Giver, a book that talks about the five laws of stratospheric success, what they are, and how they can be implemented in everyday life.

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Here’s a glimpse of what you’ll learn: 

  • Bob Burg talks about the principles of success and his philosophical views while creating The Go-Giver Community Network
  • Adi Klevit and Bob Burg find a real-life example of a go-giver in a mutual friend
  • Providing value to others as a way to conduct business in a more fulfilling and financially profitable way
  • Bob talks about the differences between a go-giver and a go-getter, and their importance in business
  • Sure ways of overcoming obstacles and implementing the strategies within the book, The Go-Giver
  • How to find a mentor and what to avoid in a student-mentor relationship
  • A glimpse inside The Go-Giver Community Network and the way it helps entrepreneurs
  • Bob opens up about the inspiration behind the characters of The Go-Giver and whether they are entirely fictitious

In this episode:

Can giving value to others help your business grow and succeed? What are the five key principles entrepreneurs should focus on in order to prosper?

The Co-author of The Go-Giver, Bob Burg, has been helping companies and people alike achieve extraordinary results both professionally and personally. In his career of over 30 years, he’s addressed audiences and shared the stage with notable leaders, athletes, broadcast personalities, and politicians, including the former President of the United States. His goal is to help shift your focus to that you are providing immense value to others and to yourself. 

Bob Burg, Founder of The Go-Giver Community Network, is Adi Klevit’s guest on this episode of the Systems Simplified Podcast. Bob shares his experiences while co-writing The Go-Giver with John David Mann, how it’s different from his past works, and what makes it so special. He also talks about how The Go-Giver Community Network helps businesses, the importance of finding a mentor, and the value of authentic relationships when conducting business.

Resources mentioned in this episode:

This episode is brought to you by Business Success Consulting Group

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The Five Laws of Stratospheric Success with Bob Burg

Host: Adi Klevit

Founder: Business Success Consulting Group

Adi is passionate about helping businesses bring order to their operations. With over 30 years of experience as a process consultant, executive and entrepreneur, she’s an expert at making the complex simple. Adi has been featured on numerous podcasts and delivered many webinars, and live workshops, sharing her insights on systematizing a business. She also hosts The Systems Simplified Podcast, publishes a weekly blog, and has written numerous original articles published on

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