Seven Strategies for Holiday Hiring

Seven Strategies for Holiday Hiring

Many companies need extra help during the holiday season. Here in Portland, OR, chimney sweeps, roofing companies, and retail stores all usually need to hire extra hands throughout the chillier season. Hiring temporary employees for the holidays has its own set of challenges. They need to be able to run with a steep learning curve,…

Get Your Marketing On Point

Get Your Marketing On Point

Leaves are changing, and everyone is gearing up for the holidays. That means it’s time to get your marketing ready for the new season. Many businesses are offering holiday deals, providing clients with discounts, and preparing festive social media content this year. You may be doing the same things. So here is the question, does…

Seven Techniques for Office Organization

Seven Techniques for Office Organization

There are so many methods of office organization. Just Google “Office Organization Tips” and you’ll see over a thousand tips (with pictures!) on Pinterest alone. Instead of giving you an overwhelming number of strategies and ideas, here are seven methods that we have seen work for business owners. 1. Organize desks and departments in a…

Why it’s Time to Embrace Millennials

It seems like you can’t do anything on the internet these days without bumping into a reference to Millennials. Many memes and articles on the topic of Millennials are less than complimentary. However, no matter what the latest soundbite says, the generation of people born between 1982 and 2002 are now some of our most…

Is Customer Service Underrated?

Many businesses are constantly looking forward to the next service, product or sale. One place such businesses often fall down is in customer service. Serving customer’s immediate needs when they are unhappy with your product can be a difficult and disappointing job, which is why many companies fail in this area. However, recent statistics show…