Motivated employees are an essential part of any profitable business. However, many companies struggle to balance staff motivation strategies with overall production.
In this article, we will share strategies you and your executives can utilize to motivate employees and help them work at peak productivity.
Abolish Barriers to Productivity
What employers often don’t realize is that a productive office innately helps to motivate employees. Unfortunately, many companies are set up to inhibit production and prevent employees from doing their jobs.
Some offices are physically set up in a way that makes it impossible to work efficiently. Others have barriers to productivity baked into the company culture. These can be recognized and resolved through observation and by discussing issues with your staff.
Another great way to spot inefficiencies is by doing a dummy run of your product creation or service delivery. This dummy run will show the weak spots in your existing strategies and workflow.
Find Out What Would Make Your Employee’s Jobs Easier
Many employees want to do their job well but can become frustrated when they don’t have access to the right tools or when they are stopped by unnecessary meetings or other activities. Employees will become more motivated if you take some time to find out what would make their jobs easier. This may mean getting new software, automating some of their work, or agreeing to receive a report instead of having a meeting.
Often, providing employees with appropriate tools can not only make them more motivated but increase their efficiency and thereby save you money.
Provide Employees with an Inside Look
When you started your business, you had specific goals you wanted to accomplish. As your company has grown, those goals have expanded. Be sure to share your journey, your original intentions, and how your business has grown with your employees.
Very few companies provide the full view of why and how their business began. This information can not only give your staff a better understanding of the company, but it can motivate them to help you accomplish the objectives you have set out.
Reward Productive Employees
Often, bonuses are reserved for salespeople – not for the general staff. However, it’s important to reward any employee who has gone above and beyond to help your company succeed. This can be calculated by having each employee track their production and giving these metrics to your senior staff.
Rewards don’t always have to be in the form of bonuses. You can find out what would most benefit that particular employee. They may prefer added vacation days, a promotion within the company, or a comped night out with their significant other. Just be sure to let employees know their reward options – along with what they need to accomplish to attain it.
Employee motivation isn’t always tied to money. You can work with employees to help them do their job better, find purpose in their work, and more! If you are hoping to increase productivity in your company, be sure to contact Business Success Consulting Group. We offer HR consulting, organizational coaching, and more.