The Process of Making Connections and Serving Others With Steve Ramona

Steve Ramona

Steve Ramona is the host of the Doing Business with A Servant’s Heart podcast, which features stories from top business leaders about overcoming challenges and serving others. As a mentor, he works with various businesses to forge meaningful connections and share referrals. Steve specializes in helping professionals build thought leadership platforms, network through podcasts, and bring value to others.

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Here’s a glimpse of what you’ll learn: 

  • How Steve Ramona began networking at the age of 18
  • Three mistakes to avoid when networking 
  • What is the law of increase?
  • Processes for serving people and forging meaningful connections
  • Steve’s ideal clients and referrals

In this episode:

Networking is a valuable business tool, but if you approach it like a sales pitch, you’re not likely to form lasting connections, especially if your prospects regard you as desperate. How can you develop a servant-based networking style to deliver value to others?

Servant leader Steve Ramona began networking with middle-aged professionals while working at his family’s health club when he was 18. His three-step process for building meaningful relationships involves facilitating natural conversations, listening to prospects’ problems, and identifying opportunities to help them. However, servant-based networking shouldn’t be one-sided. Instead, you should develop a reciprocal referral system by allowing your connections to make recommendations.

In today’s edition of Systems Simplified, Adi Klevit welcomes Steve Ramona, the host of the Doing Business with A Servant’s Heart podcast, who shares the value of networking with a servant-based mindset. Steve describes the law of increase, common networking mistakes to avoid, and his ideal referral partners.

Resources mentioned in this episode:

This episode is brought to you by Business Success Consulting Group

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The Process of Making Connections and Serving Others With Steve Ramona

Host: Adi Klevit

Founder: Business Success Consulting Group

Adi is passionate about helping businesses bring order to their operations. With over 30 years of experience as a process consultant, executive and entrepreneur, she’s an expert at making the complex simple. Adi has been featured on numerous podcasts and delivered many webinars, and live workshops, sharing her insights on systematizing a business. She also hosts The Systems Simplified Podcast, publishes a weekly blog, and has written numerous original articles published on

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