Many companies make a point of hiring “creatives” for areas like new product development and marketing- but far more departments can benefit from employee creativity.
Let’s face it. You, as a business owner or executive, are an incredibly creative person. You come up with out-of-the-box solutions, provide customers with the fruits of your imagination, and more. What would your company be like if employee creativity was harnessed and utilized as efficiently as your own out-of-the-box thinking?
You likely already have systems in place that depend on creativity. Company suggestion boxes, jobs which require decision-making on the ground level, and project proposals are all reliant upon creative minds. However, there are more ways your business can benefit from inventive employees. These include:
Providing Excellent Customer Service
Many companies offer scripted customer service that only allows an employee to go so far with a client’s concern before having to bump that customer up to a more knowledgeable/more highly paid individual. However, what if you had a customer service department that worked to find solutions to issues before your customers even asked about them? This occurs in the software industry all the time - that’s why we get software updates and patches. Why shouldn’t it occur within your business model as well?
Hiring the Best Employees
How often have you heard the question “Where do you see yourself in ten years?” Such hiring processes don’t spark new potential employees into showing businesses who they really are and what they can do for your company. A creative HR staff can help you find the right person for the job - who is also excited about making your business an even better place to work. Additionally, they will come up with excellent and unusual ways to motivate staff and help to form better company policies.
As You Work to Motivate Employees
Not only does have a creative HR team help you hire more motivated people but fostering creativity within your existing staff can help keep them excited about their jobs. It may be simpler to motivate your employees than you think. Encouraging staff creativity and asking staff to find better or more efficient ways to do their jobs can help them make their job a game they’d like to “win” at - which can only benefit you and your business.
Getting Staff to Take Responsibility
A creative work environment is one in which staff will want to take responsibility for their jobs and actions. Not only does this make managing such a team much easier - it allows for more efficient delegation and can help you and your staff delineate job functions very precisely.
Creativity is not always the first thing on any employer’s list of attributes to capture during the hiring process. However, it may be one of the greatest assets your company has.
Find out more about how to seek out creativity while staffing your business and how to utilize existing employee creativity. Contact us today!