Process Review Best Practices and Checklist

Process Review Best Practices and Checklist

Written processes and procedures should be reviewed on a regular basis to ensure that they are up-to-date and relevant.  This article provides a breakdown of process review best practices along with a checklist you can use during any review.

Process Review Best Practices

Follow this list of best practices as you review your business processes.

Decide on frequency

Proven processes that have not changed for a while can be reviewed less frequently than new processes or processes where changes have been introduced (such as new technology or new workflow). Here are some questions to ask to help you decide:

o   Is it already a proven process that gets results?

o   Is it a newer process?

o   Have new changes been introduced?

o   Has new technology been implemented?

Proven processes should be reviewed at least every 12 months. New or revised processes should be reviewed at least quarterly until proven successful. Some will need to be reviewed more often.

Assign metrics

Always assign a metric or metrics to measure the outcome of a process. This will allow an objective measurement when reviewing the effectiveness of the process.

Choose who will perform the review

The review should be done by someone who is familiar with the process and executes it on a regular basis.

Define authority in advance

Define the authority of the reviewer to make changes or edits. Consider, what type of changes should be reviewed by the team?

Use a documentation platform

There are many great platforms available. We recommend using a process documentation platform that allows you to schedule the reviews according to the desired frequency and sends automatic reminders to do so.

Set aside time

Once you get the reminder that it is time for the review, set uninterrupted time to do it. It is easy to put this time off and postpone it, so you need to remind yourself of the importance of getting it done and block off time to do it.

How to Effectively Review a Process

Use this checklist when you are ready to review your business processes.

1. Read the process from beginning to end.

1a. If there are specific instructions, follow them to ensure that all steps are still relevant.

2. Review any screenshots for changes.

3. Test any links for workability.

4. Look for any potential improvements in the workflow.

5. Make note of any changes that are needed (if you are using a process documentation platform or a shared document, use the “comments” function)

5a. As applicable, discuss suggested changes with the team.

6. Make the edits and changes.

7. Publish the revised version.

8. Send the revised version to team members that the process applies to, outlining the changes and have them read it.

9. Set a reminder for the next periodic review.

Are you excited about making changes to your processes, but feel like you need guidance? Contact Business Success Consulting Group today! We help companies in every industry document and improve their processes.

Process Review Best Practices and Checklist

Author: Adi Klevit

Founder: Business Success Consulting Group

Adi is passionate about helping businesses bring order to their operations. With over 30 years of experience as a process consultant, executive and entrepreneur, she’s an expert at making the complex simple. Adi has been featured on numerous podcasts and delivered many webinars, and live workshops, sharing her insights on systematizing a business. She also hosts The Systems Simplified Podcast, publishes a weekly blog, and has written numerous original articles published on

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