
  • How to Build a System for Continuing Education
    How to Build a System for Continuing Education

    Studies show that investment in continuing education for business owners and employees increases workplace happiness, improves retention levels, and increases workplace engagement. Additionally, business owners, CEOs, managers, operators, and team members must all contribute to an ever-changing business landscape. How will they and you keep iterating and bringing new ideas…

  • Use This Strategy for Internal Information Transfer
    Use This Strategy for Internal Information Transfer

    The transfer of internal information is a vital part of customer service. If you have ever been required to repeat information while on a call with a customer service agent, you have experienced a system with no means to transfer internal details. And, if you have been the customer in…

  • What is Your Company’s Greatest Asset?
    What is Your Company’s Greatest Asset?

    What is your company’s greatest asset? That’s a question we often hear - and it has a tried and true response: the people involved in the business. Your employees. Adi Klevit, CEO of Business Success Consulting Group discussed this question with the founder of The Playbook Builder, John De Luca.…

  • Is There a Generational Divide in Your Workforce?
    Is There a Generational Divide in Your Workforce?

    Did you know there are five different generations currently working? This generational divide spans ninety years (yes, there are ninety-year-olds still in the workforce today). This means that the following generations may be represented in your company: The Silent Generation (1900-1945) Baby Boomers (1946-1964) Generation X (1966-1980) Millennials (1981-2000) -…

  • What Does Knowledge Transfer Look Like?
    What Does Knowledge Transfer Look Like?

    Implementing an effective knowledge transfer system will save your business time and money in the long term. That may sound like a bold statement, but it is true.  What is Knowledge Transfer?  Let’s begin this discussion with a look at what knowledge transfer is - and what it can do…

  • Five Actions that Are Missing from Your Employee Retention Plan
    Five Actions that Are Missing from Your Employee Retention Plan

    Whether the labor market is competitive or sluggish, employee retention is much simpler than hiring and training new staff.  There are many benefits to retaining good employees. One of the most significant factors is reduced cost. It’s usually much cheaper to keep the employees you already have than to hire…

  • Don’t Let Valuable Knowledge Walk Out The Door
    Don’t Let Valuable Knowledge Walk Out The Door

    Your company runs on specialized and proprietorial knowledge. However, if your company is like most, the principal repository for that essential information is employees. When an employee moves on or retires, the knowledge they hold in their mind walks out with them.  This has two consequences.  First is that new…

  • Take the First Steps in Preparing Your Exit Strategy
    Take the First Steps in Preparing Your Exit Strategy

    Every business owner must be prepared to exit from the business at some point. Whether you plan to reduce your working hours, sell the company, retire, or somewhere in between, laying the groundwork for an exit will make that process a much easier transition. What is an “Exit Strategy?” First…

  • How to Create a Consistent Customer Experience Across Every Department
    How to Create a Consistent Customer Experience Across Every Department

    No matter what is happening around the world, companies like Amazon and Starbucks have proven time and time again that consistently excellent customer experience is what creates word-of-mouth, buzz, and - ultimately - business success. Whether you are building a business from scratch or working to evolve your large company…

  • How to Create Knowledge Transfer Systems for Remote Staff
    How to Create Knowledge Transfer Systems for Remote Staff

    Many companies don’t have knowledge transfer systems. This means that they lose valuable information when an employee quits or retires. It also means that the company leadership (often the business owner) has to be the brains of the operation forever, without the ability to step down or even go on…