
  • Create a Hiring System Using These Simple Steps
    Create a Hiring System Using These Simple Steps

    Hiring is vital to your business growth. However, building a hiring system can be challenging, and business owners don't always know where to start.  In a recent interview, Business Success Consulting Group CEO Adi Klevit and CEO of Get Staffed Up Brett Trembly discuss the benefits of systematically hiring and…

  • How to Build Processes for Temp Jobs
    How to Build Processes for Temp Jobs

    Many companies have a blind spot when it comes to systematizing temp jobs. Most people think of temp jobs as the seasonal work required to keep the holidays happy for all. These temp jobs may include supporting busy departments such as shipping, delivery, or manufacturing. They may also include additional…

  • How to Build Processes for Holiday Hires
    How to Build Processes for Holiday Hires

    Many businesses plan to make holiday hires this season to support additional sales or increased traffic, set up/staff holiday-specific events, and more. Often, it can be tricky to determine which positions to staff temporarily and how to train those temp workers rapidly so they can launch right into work. One…

  • Top Fifteen 2023 Business Tips
    Top Fifteen 2023 Business Tips

    Business Success Consulting Group newsletter subscribers get business tips delivered to their inbox every week, along with the latest articles, webinars, podcasts, and more. This is a weekly publication, which means subscribers have already received twenty-seven business tips this year. In this article, we share a compilation of the top…

  • Why HR Often Falls Between the Cracks – and What to Do About It
    Why HR Often Falls Between the Cracks – and What to Do About It

    The HR department covers more than just hiring and firing. Human resources teams create policies, build procedures, work to foster accepting company culture, and protect the company from liability. Your HR team is a strategic part of your business, but it’s rarely seen that way by business owners. This means…

  • How to Build a Process for Remote Hiring
    How to Build a Process for Remote Hiring

    Companies all over the world are finding value in hiring for remote work. This means that HR departments in California are hiring new employees from Ontario, Canada, and Queensland, Australia. An HR department here in Oregon may work with a recruiter in Ohio and employ several people in Cleveland.  There…

  • How to build a predictable onboarding process
    How to build a predictable onboarding process

    Effective onboarding is a vital part of any business, large or small. During onboarding, new employees learn about core company values, discover company culture, and gain an inside understanding of your business. When done correctly, this process orients new employees and brings them up to speed to rapidly begin their…

  • Is There a Generational Divide in Your Workforce?
    Is There a Generational Divide in Your Workforce?

    Did you know there are five different generations currently working? This generational divide spans ninety years (yes, there are ninety-year-olds still in the workforce today). This means that the following generations may be represented in your company: The Silent Generation (1900-1945) Baby Boomers (1946-1964) Generation X (1966-1980) Millennials (1981-2000) -…

  • Don’t Let Valuable Knowledge Walk Out The Door
    Don’t Let Valuable Knowledge Walk Out The Door

    Your company runs on specialized and proprietorial knowledge. However, if your company is like most, the principal repository for that essential information is employees. When an employee moves on or retires, the knowledge they hold in their mind walks out with them.  This has two consequences.  First is that new…

  • How to Train Your Work from Home Staff
    How to Train Your Work from Home Staff

    Businesses worldwide are supporting work from home staff, which means they are hiring and training staff that most employees have yet to see face-to-face. This can create quite a challenge during onboarding and training. But, it is a challenge that can be overcome. Training Policies Most companies have pretty standard…