
  • Document Processes Now, Before an Employee Transitions
    Document Processes Now, Before an Employee Transitions

    Nationwide statistics tell us that record numbers of employees have been transitioning to other jobs or out of the workforce altogether. While younger people often change jobs from one company to another, those were not the primary job transitions reported in 2021. More high-value employees transitioned during 2021 than ever…

  • Five Actions that Are Missing from Your Employee Retention Plan
    Five Actions that Are Missing from Your Employee Retention Plan

    Whether the labor market is competitive or sluggish, employee retention is much simpler than hiring and training new staff.  There are many benefits to retaining good employees. One of the most significant factors is reduced cost. It’s usually much cheaper to keep the employees you already have than to hire…

  • Don’t Let Valuable Knowledge Walk Out The Door
    Don’t Let Valuable Knowledge Walk Out The Door

    Your company runs on specialized and proprietorial knowledge. However, if your company is like most, the principal repository for that essential information is employees. When an employee moves on or retires, the knowledge they hold in their mind walks out with them.  This has two consequences.  First is that new…

  • Here are the Leadership Strengths You Need to Focus on in 2021
    Here are the Leadership Strengths You Need to Focus on in 2021

    2020 proved to many of us that resilience and strong leadership are vital when keeping a company going during adversity. Now that a new year has begun, we wanted to look ahead to help business owners like you grow your company in 2021. What strengths do I need to nurture…

  • Why Is Knowledge Transfer So Important?
    Why Is Knowledge Transfer So Important?

    In 1597 Sir Francis Bacon said, “Knowledge itself is power.” People around the world have stated this axiom for centuries, and it has been proven to be true time and time again. However, many, many companies do not apply this idea to their business. They allow institutional knowledge and specialized…

  • Eight Tips for Fostering Employee Engagement
    Eight Tips for Fostering Employee Engagement

    Here are eight easy-to-implement tips that will help you encourage engagement in your employees as your push toward reaching your 2016 business goals. 1. Give your employees tasks they can feel proud of. While everyone has day-to-day work assignments that must be done, it is incredibly important to provide employees…