Executives often face long hours and constant pressures. This unending strain can cause burnout, leaving business leaders feeling listless, exhausted, and uninspired.
Every business needs strong leaders at its head. That means cutting down on stress and preventing burnout is vital.
How To Avoid Burnout
Executive burnout is almost exclusively due to stress. So, while this “how to” has several rules of thumb when it comes to avoiding burnout, we have also included several stress relief tips that can be specifically applied to people with a busy work schedule.
Delegate when you can
We have talked about delegation over and over again. This is because so few business executives effectively delegate - and those who don’t get burnt out quickly. So, if you have tasks that can or should be delegated - be sure to do so.
Focus on creating a consistent workplace
Consistent tasks, schedules, and goals promote stability. While you may need to be dynamic in some areas, be sure to have others in which you can count on consistent stability. This allows for a little bit of breathing room - even when tackling a job that has a lot of pressure associated with it.
Set long-term goals
One way to promote consistency is to establish and reach for long-term goals. When you are planning years in advance, each step along the way can be mapped out and executed. There may be road bumps along the way, but understanding where your company is going can significantly reduce the burden that uncertainty can place upon you.
Take time away from the office
No matter what is going on or how late one is working, it is vital to carve out time away from the cell phone, laptop, and office. This can be done through micro-actions and more extensive vacations. Here are a few of the small things you can do throughout the day to create space for yourself:
- Step away from your desk for a walk outside.
- Go home or out to a restaurant for a meal - even if you have to return to work afterward.
- Take a stretching break.
- Close down the office for a day to volunteer in the community.
- Go to the gym.
- Get a massage.
- Put a block of free time on the schedule.
Fifteen Stress Relief Tips
Any employee, team lead, or business executive can buckle under job stress. In fact, working a job one dislikes or having a heavy workload are among the top ten causes of stress here in America.
Stress can affect every aspect of one’s life, from feeling burnt out at work to ruining sleep to causing health problems. Therefore, it’s vital to relieve stress whenever possible throughout the workday.
Here are fifteen strategies you can use to relieve stress all day long:
- Reduce interruptions when trying to focus.
- Take a few deep breaths.
- Try to set your own schedule.
- Stick to your priorities.
- Enjoy music, fun calendars, or motivational quotes to keep you upbeat while you work.
- Take your breaks outside of the office.
- Find something to laugh about.
- Talk to a trusted coworker or business coach about things that stress you out.
- Plan out your day in advance.
- Learn something new.
- Say “no” if you need to.
- Focus on your posture.
- Drink plenty of hydrating liquids.
- Try a snack that filled with antioxidants like blueberries or dark chocolate.
- Ask for help.
The team at Business Success Consulting Group is here to help business executives and company owners improve their lives and experiences as they grow their business. Contact us today to find out how we can help you avoid executive burnout.