How to Avoid a Holiday Slowdown

How to Avoid a Holiday Slowdown

Many employees and business owners allow things to slow down over the holidays. This holiday slump can cost money in lost business and missed opportunities. No one wants that! We have created a cheat sheet on how to avoid a holiday slowdown.


If your business traditionally experiences a slower holiday season, utilize the time to review your business strategy. Perhaps there’s a hole in your holiday planning that you can fill. For example, if you own a lawn mowing company, perhaps you can create extra income with gutter and drain cleaning or snow blowing during the winter time. Think of new and interesting ways to create more business opportunities so that you don’t have to have a slow season.

Follow up

When things get busy, we tend to put potential clients that won’t be buying our product immediately on the back burner. This season is the perfect time to follow up with possible clients and to network. Get employees to go through that pile of business cards they’ve been stashing to find previously lukewarm sales prospects. Then… follow up with them! The holidays are a perfect time to connect with acquaintances and to lavish them with the attention that will turn them into clients.

Encourage slower departments to train

Some departments will slow down no matter how hard you work to keep employees busy. Instead of letting those employees play Candy Crush and peruse Facebook all day, get them training for their job. They can attend online webinars, conferences, or in-person networking events.

You don’t have to be the only one creating this training regimen. Get employees that are likely to be less busy to find at least four training events they can attend - online or in real life - that will help them do their job better.

Employee training has many benefits. It can help you create a more efficient department. It also allows employees to participate in building your business. We always encourage business owners to get trained in management and help their employees train in the specific skills that will help them do their jobs better.

Build and execute a marketing strategy

There’s still time to get in on the Black Friday, Cyber Monday, or holiday shopping buzz. Review or build a marketing strategy that takes advantage of the holidays and leverages them to your advantage. Just think, if you’re in a business that slows down during the holidays - like a nutritionist or an organic farmer - your competitors are slower too. This means you have more opportunity to come up with fresh marketing concepts to help drive clients into your doors now - through the new year.

Get employees excited

One of the biggest problems businesses encounter during the holidays is keeping employees motivated. Instead of allowing your team to get distracted by the holidays, ask them to propose a plan to reach the holiday season goals you have set. Of course, it always helps if there’s a benefit attached, like a contingent holiday bonus or an extra paid vacation day if everyone makes the goal.

At Business Success Consulting Group, we help business executives create stability in their businesses - all year round. Contact us today and find out how we can work with you to weather your traditional holiday slump.

How to Avoid a Holiday Slowdown

Author: Adi Klevit

Founder: Business Success Consulting Group

Adi is passionate about helping businesses bring order to their operations. With over 30 years of experience as a process consultant, executive and entrepreneur, she’s an expert at making the complex simple. Adi has been featured on numerous podcasts and delivered many webinars, and live workshops, sharing her insights on systematizing a business. She also hosts The Systems Simplified Podcast, publishes a weekly blog, and has written numerous original articles published on

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