Goal setting is a fundamental part of business ownership and entrepreneurship. There are many ways to set goals, including planning with your leadership team, all-staff meetings, coaching sessions, and more. However, once a leader or team has set company goals, how do they reach them?
In a recent interview with Suzie Hall, Founder of Cornerstone Design and The Cornerstone Collective, Adi and Suzie discussed how they make goals a reality. Read on to find out more.
Shifting Mindset
Suzie and Adi agree that attaining goals starts with a system. In the interview, Suzie shared that she works to get centered first thing in the morning and then continues that practice throughout the day. She begins her day journaling, meditating, practicing gratitude, and refocusing on her daily priority.
This provides a mindset to help her focus on her big-picture goals.
She brings this mindset into her meetings and day-to-day by taking time before the meeting, presentation, or project to revisit her goals and ensure she is in the right headspace to bring something to the table.
Utilizing this shift in mindset has helped Suzie wow clients, complete projects, and have productive meetings. It, in itself, is a system.
Building Goal-Achieving Systems
Following this advice, here are five steps any entrepreneur and business owner can take to build a goal-achieving system:
1. Take out time to examine and build upon your company goals.
Have your goals narrowed down so that you can take the next step.
2. Write down your role in achieving these goals.
You may be the one who puts the moving parts in motion for the rest of your staff. You may need to build processes so your company can expand without your direct influence. You could be the key player in brokering a massive deal for your business that will 10X your income this year. Writing down your role makes the next steps you can take very clear.
3. Work out what you can do in the next week or month to move the company closer to that goal.
4. Determine the one thing you can do today to move things forward. Make that your focus for the day.
5. Book time into your schedule to reexamine goals and set daily, weekly, and monthly mindset breaks to ensure you keep your focus and continue moving toward the goal.
For Suzie, this time is in the morning. But, for others, it may be in the evening as they plan for the next day. It might be something they do over lunch. It could be a once-weekly review or something they do daily.
The process does not have to be one-size-fits-all, but you do need to take focused time out to build a strategy and create a positive mindset.
Is building company-wide systems a big goal for 2023? Get in touch with the process experts at Business Success Consulting Group. We will provide you with the necessary resources to achieve your goal.