Inspiration and motivation are important throughout the year - but can become vital during the holiday season. That’s why we are providing some of our favorite quotes from a variety of different leaders throughout the world.
Inspirational Quotes
Ursula Burns
“This old notion that work is drudgery is nonsense. Most days, even back when Xerox was under siege, I could not wait to get to the office.”
Sometimes business leaders, employees, and entrepreneurs need this reminder. Work should not be a 9-5 drudgery. Your job should bring you joy and provide you with motivation in its own right. If it does not, there is something that needs to change.
If your job doesn’t bring you joy, now is the time to examine it and discover the adjustment that needs to happen to bring more meaning to the almost 2,000 hours a year you spend working.
Estee Lauder
“If you don’t sell, it’s not the product that’s wrong; it’s you.”
This is such a good reminder. If you’ve developed a fantastic product and it’s not selling, discover what tactics you need to modify. This can be done through education, by hiring a sales professional, and by practice. If you want to boost your sales for 2019, fill out this form and get a free evaluation of your sales process.
Stephen Hawking
"Look up at the stars and not down at your feet. Try to make sense of what you see, and wonder about what makes the universe exist. Be curious."
Prof. Hawking was an inspirational person in his own right. He was a very successful author, research director, theoretical physicist, and ALS survivor. The above quote reflects his success throughout his life and we feel that any business leader can take his advice. Our take away from this quote is: be curious, keep learning, ask questions, and grow.
Victor Kiam
"Even if you fall on your face, you're still moving forward."
We all face challenges. The trick is moving forward. If you’ve had difficulty with conquering your business challenges in 2018, please let us know how we can help you succeed in 2019.
Sam Walton
“There is only one boss: the customer. And he can fire everybody in the company, from the chairman on down, simply by spending his money somewhere else.”
The importance of excellent customer service cannot be understated. We have brought this up in past articles about customer service. However, it’s very true that, if someone does not appreciate how you treat them, they can certainly vote with their money and buy from another company. So, if sales are dropping off or you are losing long-term customers, it’s worth it to review the service being provided.
Mary Barra
“What I always say is, ‘Do every job you’re in like you’re going to do it for the rest of your life, and demonstrate that ownership of it.’”
Employees and business leaders are taking time off during this season, which means other team members are taking on the functions of others. This quote is an excellent reminder of how to have a successful holiday season: simply demonstrate ownership of any job you take on.
Are you preparing for business success in 2019? Contact Business Success Consulting Group!