Statistically, CSuite executives, entrepreneurs, and business owners work well over 40 hours a week and have difficulty creating work/life balance. Some we have met have wondered if work/life balance is a myth, even though they crave a balance between a busy work day and stress-free time with family and friends.
In a recent interview, Adi Klevit of Business Success Consulting Group and Jill Chiappe, Founder and CEO of Coachability, addressed the question: Is work/life balance possible?
The short answer is: it is possible! Which is excellent news for everyone who thought it might be a myth. The long answer shares how to achieve it.
How Do Systems Create Work/Life Balance?
Did you know that building business systems and establishing processes and procedures will help you create work/life balance as an executive or business owner?
Here’s why.
Systemizing your business allows you and your team to:
1. Automate anything possible.
2. Follow established practices
3. Document the precise tasks your team needs to follow.
4. Perform actions that you already know will work.
5. Avoid reinventing the wheel.
6. Build consistency into your business.
7. Provides you and your executives with the ability to delegate.
8. Make training much easier.
9. Take vital information from your head and make it accessible to the whole team.
10. Allows your team to work globally and remain on the same page.
Basically, when you begin to systemize your business, your life gets easier, your business can expand, and you can hire the best talent from around the world because everyone is on the same page.
Building Systems to Create Work/Life Balance
Some of the most common challenges that Jill and Adi have seen other business owners encounter are:
a. Insufficiently trained teams.
b. Inconsistent internal priorities.
c. Dashboards that are not shared or visible to the team.
d. FAR too many meetings.
e. Presenting information to a board or investor.
All of these issues can be solved with well-documented systems.
But where do you start?
Take a moment to look at the above list. What is costing you the most in terms of time and mental energy? That is the place to start.
It does mean some work on the front end as you systemize training, priority building/sharing, build a dashboard that the entire team can utilize, or create systems around meetings/presentations. However, once the systems are in place, you can take that mental energy to tackle the next challenge - or utilize that freed-up time to enjoy activities outside of the workplace.
We have written many articles about building processes. We have linked several of them at the bottom of this article. However, as a busy executive who wants a better work/life balance, you may not have the time to build systems on your own.
That’s where we come in. Get in touch with the process experts at Business Success Consulting Group and find out how we can help you document and build business systems that will help you find greater work/life balance.
Contact us for your free initial consultation today.