The end of the year is approaching fast, which means that 2019 is right around the corner! It’s time to tackle organizational challenges now so your new year begins smoothly.
Here are some of the main pain points that need organization is most companies:
Email and Computer Clutter
Unfortunately, computers are made to store information, which makes it easy to have clutter which no one knows about except the user of the computer. However, this kind of clutter weighs on one’s mind and can cause one to lose track of things just as if these piles of folders were sitting on one’s desktop.
Get the entire office to tackle computer clutter throughout the holidays so that they can come in on January 2nd with a neat, organized computer.
Read Anything Set Aside for Later
We have all run into articles or books that we didn’t have time to read when we encountered them, so we set them aside for later. Go through your bookmarks, books, notes, and more and read anything vital to your company or industry. Reducing or eliminating this backlog will help you get up-to-date on your industry.
Install Tech Upgrades
The end of the year is a great time to get your IT team to upgrade your technology and install software updates. Additionally, if you’ve purchased new software or technology systems, it may be time to have the whole office go through training to understand every aspect of your new purchase.
Set Up Automation
There are many aspects of a business which can be automated, including billing, followup emails, newsletters, social media posts, production, and more. Take advantage of automation so your staff can move forward with other projects
Create A System to Prevent Backlogs
Many offices have hot spots where things pile up. Examine these areas and work out new ways to prevent the pileup and allow projects to move through your business smoothly.
Set Up a Better Floor Plan
If your business floor plan doesn’t make sense, take some time to rework it on paper or utilize an organizational system to make your office more efficient. Once your new floorplan is completely worked out to your satisfaction, put it into practice.
Create Goals and a Strategy
With 2019 right around the corner, it’s essential to get your goals listed and begin strategizing now. This way, you will get your new year started out with a bang!
Do you want to create strategies and organizational systems that will take your company to the next level? We can help! Contact Business Success Consulting Group today!