Spring Cleaning the Office

Spring Cleaning the Office

Spring has sprung - and it’s the perfect time to get some spring cleaning done around the office. While you probably have a service that does physical cleaning, they probably don’t deal with the business related clutter you collect - not to mention the clutter in your computer! So, here are five things you and your employees can do to spring clean around the office, and become even more productive.

1. Tackle any piles

You might be saying “my desk is cleaner than clean” and that’s great - but what about your computer? Have you checked your LinkedIn emails or gone through every unread email in Outlook? There is the possibility that there are piles hidden away in your computer.

Also, you may be like some people and go through post-its like a sieve. Perhaps you have reminder post-its stuck on your desk, in a file or as virtual sticky notes on your desktop. Your calendar can also be hiding old calendar reminders and commitments that can later cause confusion or anxiety. Take the time to go through everything that has collected both on your desk and virtually and pare down those piles.

2. Go through all of your business cards

As a business person, it can become a habit to collect business cards. This is a great habit, but only if you review the cards and do something with them. Enter your cards into a contact management program or put the names into your email list. Give old customers or past business associates a call. Be sure to use the business cards you’ve collected.

3. Do those pesky “to dos” at the bottom of your list

You know the ones I’m talking about. Those items that you never seem to get to. Perhaps the “to dos” are getting tickets to a conference, checking in on an employee, or even cleaning up! No matter what they are, take some time out to wrap up those little “to dos” and get them off of your list.

4. Sort and file

Whether you have physical papers to sort or you have downloads on your computer that need to be filed away, there are probably items around you that need to be sorted and filed. Taking a look at these items now will let you decide if you still need them, if you’ve read them, or if they need to be filed for further review or reference.

5. Go through your bookmarks

Many people have a habit of bookmarking items to “read later” - but “later” never comes along. Change that during your spring cleaning! Take the time to read your bookmarks and remove any items that are no longer useful to you.

As you go through your spring cleaning, encourage your employees to do so as well. Give them some extra time every day to clean up their desks and desktops until there are no hidden piles and pesky little “to dos” taking employee’s attention away from their production. You may be surprised at how much gets done!

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Spring Cleaning the Office

Author: Adi Klevit

Founder: Business Success Consulting Group

Adi is passionate about helping businesses bring order to their operations. With over 30 years of experience as a process consultant, executive and entrepreneur, she’s an expert at making the complex simple. Adi has been featured on numerous podcasts and delivered many webinars, and live workshops, sharing her insights on systematizing a business. She also hosts The Systems Simplified Podcast, publishes a weekly blog, and has written numerous original articles published on Inc.com.

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