How Successful Companies Get Through Hard Times

How Successful Companies Get Through Hard Times

With the elections coming up, many business owners are expressing concern that the market will change and their currently successful company will begin to fail. Though many such executives are continuing to succeed, they have this low-grade worry in the back of their minds that some external influence will tear down what they have built.

There are many ways to weather a storm, even when one doesn’t know the storm is coming. Here is a quick “how to” that we have used to help many businesses stay successful through tough economic or political times:

Continue to promote

Many businesses feel like the first thing they should do when times are getting tough is to stop spending money on everything. This decision is often disastrous. When times are getting tough and your competitors are struggling, the first thing you want to do is to keep promoting and getting your name out.

Start pivoting

You don’t need to change everything about your company, in fact, you should not. But, if you have a product that could be made to appeal to those on a budget or you may be able to produce it in a way that captivates to a wider audience, now is the time to get that business model going.

Another way to pivot is to provide a greater level of care and customer service than your competitors. This establishes you as a great resource and can give you free advertising on top of the marketing you are already doing.

Make sure you stay on budget

Obviously, when economic times appear tougher, you will need to stay on budget or even work with a tighter budget. This is another reason the “pivot” step is so important.

Keep providing your product

Don’t let anything stop you from giving people your high quality, well-loved product. With your marketing creating demand, keep providing your service or product to every single customer.

Monitor your results

When things feel uncertain, you must monitor your results continuously. This may require a little more work from you at the executive level, but the payoff of catching failures before they happen and boosting successes to sky-high numbers makes that extra time and dedication completely worth it.

Finally, just because political news or world events may make things feel unstable doesn’t mean they actually are unstable. So, be sure to continue to grow your successful company and prove every day that the world is ready for your product or service.
If you would like to get your company organized and keep expanding through thick and thin, contact Business Success Consulting Group today. We offer services from sales consultations to executive coaching to marketing consulting.

How Successful Companies Get Through Hard Times

Author: Adi Klevit

Founder: Business Success Consulting Group

Adi is passionate about helping businesses bring order to their operations. With over 30 years of experience as a process consultant, executive and entrepreneur, she’s an expert at making the complex simple. Adi has been featured on numerous podcasts and delivered many webinars, and live workshops, sharing her insights on systematizing a business. She also hosts The Systems Simplified Podcast, publishes a weekly blog, and has written numerous original articles published on

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