Learning from leaders in your industry and apprenticeship under successful people in your career can help you become a leader in your own right. In this article, we wanted to take a look at what industry leaders have said and the tactics they’ve used to get where they are today.
1. Getting on with the task at hand.
“The best way of learning about anything is by doing." - Richard Branson
When you are building your own business, it can be hard to get started with essential tasks, especially when you are not expert in a particular area. This quote from Richard Branson tells us that, even if you feel uncertain about how to accomplish your goal, the right thing to do is get out there and work on it.
Even if you fail the first time, you have learned something new and will be able to build on that until you have achieved your aim.
2. Working hard.
"A dream doesn't become reality through magic; it takes sweat, determination and hard work." - Colin Powell
Creating a company and making it solvent can take a lot of work and persistence. This new year is a great time to reaffirm your business goals and plan out the work necessary to make them happen.
3. Refusing to fail.
"Success is most often achieved by those who don't know that failure is inevitable." - Coco Chanel
Many business leaders say that they found failure was a launching off point - turning that perceived failure on its head and making it a success. That is one enormous difference between an average office worker and a business leader.
4. Not letting anything get in the way of their goals and dreams - not even yourself.
"But you have to do what you dream of doing even while you're afraid." - Arianna Huffington
Putting your dreams into reality can be daunting, but it’s extremely rewarding in the end. If you feel that you are getting in your own way, it may be time to get someone else in your corner. Hiring a business consultant will help you get back on the right track, headed toward accomplishing your business goals.
5. Trusting others and delegating.
"As we look ahead into the next century, leaders will be those who empower others." - Bill Gates
When you first started your business, you may have tried to do everything yourself, but as it expands you need to hire and empower others to help your business grow. Holding on to every task in your company will only slow growth.
6. Practicing persistence.
“If you're not stubborn, you'll give up on experiments too soon. And if you're not flexible, you'll pound your head against the wall and you won't see a different solution to a problem you're trying to solve." - Jeff Bezos
Business leaders keep a goal in mind and push toward its accomplishment. They may have to be flexible in achieving their goals, but the actual goal itself remains the same.
7. Thinking outside the box.
“If I had asked people what they wanted, they would have said, “A faster horse.” Henry Ford
In Silicon Valley the new word for thinking outside the box is “disruption.” You could say that Henry Ford “disrupted” the transportation industry by building the Model T. However you want to put it, carrying through with an idea that breaks the mold is often the first step toward a fantastic business.
8. Keeping branding in mind at all times.
“Repetition makes reputation and reputation makes customers.” - Florence Nightingale Graham
Your brand represents your company. Excellent branding and marketing are what gets your name in front of potential customers. So, if you plan to be a leader in the business world, you need to establish your brand and keep up every successful branding method you’ve used - even as you build out new marketing plans or programs.
9. Practicing self-care.
“There’s no reason to be the richest man in the cemetery. You can’t do any business there.” - Colonel Sanders
“Burn out” is something we hear about pretty consistently. If you give your company every moment of your life, you do not spend time taking care of yourself or your family. Taking out moments for things that benefit you as a business owner will ultimately contribute to you being a better business person. So, take time to get that massage or attend that family reunion. Then, when you come into the office, you will be refreshed and 100% focused.
10. Hiring the right people for the job.
“Hire people that are better than you and then leave them to get on with it.” - David Ogilvy
Trusting others to help you build your business can be difficult, but it’s ultimately gratifying. So, get a great HR department established and hire fantastic people.
As you move forward in 2018, take a look at these principles and make sure you are applying them to your company. If you need help in their application, Business Success Consulting Group is ready to assist. Contact us today and remember these words from Ralph Waldo Emerson: “Nothing great was ever achieved without enthusiasm."