Build a Great Team With These Hiring Strategies

Build a Great Team With These Hiring Strategies

One of the best ways to support company growth is to have a fantastic team of employees who will help your business, improve productivity, and enhance your company overall. But how does one hire the best team for his or her industry or business? Is it with great “gotcha” questions during the interview? Is it through automation with systems like Ziprecruiter and Glassdoor?

Here at Business Success Consulting Group, we know how vital it is to hire fantastic employees - and how difficult the decision-making process can be. We have listed several of our favorite hiring strategies so you can decide which you’d like to use.

Seven Hiring Strategies

As you consider hiring for 2020, we hope you will utilize the below strategies and add the right talent to your growing team.

1. Speed up your hiring processes

When looking for a great match for your team, it can be tempting to slow the process down so that it takes weeks or even months to gain new talent. However, if you have a high-demand job opening, it’s important that you snag industry specialists, fast.

2. Don’t use “trick” or “gotcha” questions. Ask what you want to know.

Over the years, trick questions have gotten less popular, which is great. However, there are still some industries and some interviewers who utilize them. Instead of trying to see if an interviewee will slip up, try a forthright series of questions that will easily obtain the information you need to know. This is important in both technical interviews - where problems can often be solved in different ways - and in everyday job interviews. 

Questions like: “What made you choose this career path?” or “Describe a major challenge you recently conquered” can tell you a lot about how your interviewee makes decisions. They can also show how passionate they are about their profession and how seriously they will take the job. 

Sometimes, a simple question that allows someone to answer honestly is the best question you can ask.

3. Ask existing employees what kind of coworker they need.

Get an idea of what specific skill sets are missing from your business and understand the company culture by talking with your employees. Existing employees know where they could use some support, and they often understand the type of person with whom they’d like to work. Talk with your staff before beginning interviews for a new position so you can get a feel of what will be important during the hiring process. 

4. Establish expectations ahead of time

List exactly what you want and what you are offering in the job listing. You want people to apply who have the vital training needed to fulfill the role, and who have appropriate salary expectations. 

5. Try to get a feel for personality 

It can benefit you and your team to chat with the applicant a little and get a feel for their personality. People will often say and do things more naturally when they are put at their ease and are not performing for the interview. This will give you a better idea as to whether that applicant would mesh well with your team. 

6. Finally, remove a job listing once it has been filled.

It is always important to remove the listing once you have hired the right applicant. This frees up phone lines and provides better reviews on company review sites like Glassdoor.

Is your company expanding? Contact Business Consulting Group for executive coaching and organizational planning to support your business growth.

Build a Great Team With These Hiring Strategies

Author: Adi Klevit

Founder: Business Success Consulting Group

Adi is passionate about helping businesses bring order to their operations. With over 30 years of experience as a process consultant, executive and entrepreneur, she’s an expert at making the complex simple. Adi has been featured on numerous podcasts and delivered many webinars, and live workshops, sharing her insights on systematizing a business. She also hosts The Systems Simplified Podcast, publishes a weekly blog, and has written numerous original articles published on

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