Last year, many companies scrambled for online solutions for employees that were abruptly going remote. Once business leaders found the technology that seemed to work best with their business model, they refocused on their overall business goals. This makes perfect sense, but it also means that most businesses are not utilizing the technology they have purchased to its fullest extent.
Now that your business is in a more comfortable position, it’s time to re-examine all of that technology. Either clean up old subscriptions or get your money’s worth out of the software you currently own.
How to Do a Tech Clean Up
It’s time to take a look at all of the tech that your business is using. Are you utilizing all of the functionality, paying for technology that you don't need, or is there a tech gap that needs filling?
Here is how you can discover whether the tech that you have already purchased can cover all of your needs.
- Establish why you are doing this clean-up
Before beginning on any project, it is vital to know why you are doing it. Begin your tech clean-up with a clear statement of your goal or goals.
- Find all of the technology you have at your fingertips, both the software and hardware
Your company uses technology in just about every aspect of your day. From business communication platforms to writing something on a tablet, tech is at your fingertips. Make a list of all of this technology - software and hardware. This list will help you understand what you have/are paying for and what you still need.
- Decide what you’d like to accomplish with the tech that you already have
Now that you know what technology you have paid for or are subscribed to, it’s time to make a list of what you’d like that tech to do for you.
Most apps and devices are capable of performing far more tasks than most users utilize. Understanding what you’d like all of this technology to do for you is the first step in comprehending whether it’s the right product for your needs.
- Get educated/get an employee trained on your tech
The technology that you have purchased has a myriad of training that comes along with it. However, many of us skip the walk-through or go through it to the point where it seems like it’ll work to accomplish the goal we set when we subscribed.
It’s time to take a deep look “under the hood” of your technology.
We recommend that you have an employee take the time to go through all of the webinars, walk-throughs, and training sessions that were suggested when you bought the item. Have them keep notes and share their findings with you in a full report.
If you don’t have the resources to spare an employee, and you don’t have the time to perform this extensive job on your own, hire a tech consultant for help. They will have even more background knowledge on which they can base their report.
- Obtain a full report of the potentials and pitfalls of each subscription or purchased technology
Once you, your employee, or consultant are trained on the technology utilized in your company, you need a report. This report should showcase the potentials and pitfalls of each piece of tech.
Then, compare this with the list of what you’d like the tech to do for your company. You may find that some technology overlaps, and you can do with just one app instead of four. Or you may discover that there’s a hole that automation could fill.
- Decide what to keep and what to get rid of
It’s time to decide what technology to keep using - and what to get rid of. This is a crucial step because it will affect your operational processes and procedures. If you make changes in your systems, be sure to document those changes and train your employees on the new uses of the technology. Otherwise, your big tech clean-up will only leave gaps in your business function.
Are you ready to update the technology in your company - and optimize your business systems? Get in touch with Business Success Consulting Group. We work with business owners to help them discover the best ways to systematize and organize their companies.