You can’t go anywhere online right now without hearing or seeing an ad for a tech-based hiring service (like ZipRecruiter) or job listing sites (like LinkedIn). Each promises to simplify your hiring process. The question you may have is - will a tech app or job site help you find the right recruit for your open position?
The answer is that a tech tool might help. However, your existing system will not benefit from signing your company up to every hiring app out there. Before you decide upon a tool, you need to evaluate your hiring process and determine what is causing issues before signing on to a new app or trying out a hiring site.
Reevaluating Your Hiring Process
There are many moving parts to the hiring process. Here are five steps that illustrate the overall hiring procedure:
1. There is an open position. Your HR Manager coordinates with the team lead in the area to define the precise duties to be filled along with any necessary qualifications an applicant must possess even to be considered for the job. This is written out in a comprehensive job description that lays out:
a) The position
b) Necessary qualifications
c) Any “nice to haves” - qualifications that are not essential but would likely put an applicant ahead of the pack
d) Some information about the company
2. The HR Manager or another team member gets the word out about the open position through existing channels and networks. This might be the company website or newsletter, through an industry networking event, on job boards, through social media, through a recruiter, or elsewhere.
3. Applicants send in their resumes. The assigned HR employee reads through each and evaluates which will be interviewed.
4. Interviews are conducted which allow the interviewer to discover:
a) Is this applicant qualified for the position?
b) Does this applicant seem like a good fit for our company?
c) Will this applicant perform his or her duties consistently and well?
5. The appropriate applicant is hired. They are introduced to their team, given some orientation on their new company and job, and provided with all of the resources they need to get their job done effectively.
If your existing hiring system breaks down or takes an inordinate amount of time fulfilling any of the above five points, you may need additional resources to improve the process. Technology, automation, better job boards, or refined organization can all speed the hiring process. However, taking the time to find the pain points in your hiring process is far more effective than trying to address a general “problem with hiring” by investing in the latest app or automation tool.
We offer tools to assist with your hiring needs. Contact us today to find out how we can streamline your hiring process to get your business staffed with the right employees for the job.